Nachryßen Formal Exercise for the Messer
Please excuse the quality of this video, we have been experimenting with the lowlight setting on the video camera and it did not work as well as we had hoped. We will redo the video at a later time. Der Ander Nachryßen Do the Nachryßen this way: if you come to him with the Zufechten, put your left foot forward and stand in the guard of the Luginsland to see what he will do against you. If he strikes long at you from above from his right shoulder, make sure he does not reach you with the strike and, when he lets his Messer go down towards the ground with the strike, leap with the right foot and strike to him from above to an opening on his right side before he raises the Messer again (Lecküchner fol. 39r). Ubergreifen bricht Oberhau He has completed his cut. He has displaced the blow and will overgrip him. (Württemberg Fechtbuch fol. 113v. ) Here he has overgripped him and will cut him through the head and the previously described piece has ended. (Württemberg Fechtbuch fol. 114r. ) Bricht Ubergreifen