Saint Basil Fool For Christ. Animated Film
On August 15th (August 2nd date of his death) the Belarussian Orthodox Church commemorates a very special Saint who is very dear to many Christians, especially in Russia. His name is Blessed Basil FoolForChrist. Saint Basil was seen as a holy fool, a man of God by many people during his earthly life. When he died on August 2nd, 1557 the Metropolitan of Moscow, St Macarius, served his funeral. Up to this day, people respect this saint and experience miracles by his prayers and intercession. This wonderful film will make you understand why Orthodox Christians love Blessed Basil so much All rights to the animated film go to The Mountain of Gems YouTube channel: Become our sponsor: Donate towards our social work: Send your prayer request to the sisters of St Elisabeth Convent here: Our webs