KWMS Smiℓℯ HBD Kαtie
1080, 720p. , . . , Happy, happy birthday Katieee X3 I just HAD to make you something I haven t made you anything in the past two years. . A dedication, drawing, nothing. . I feel so bad. . While, you ve made me several videos and drawings. . for me. . I feel like such a horrible friend. So. . Katie, you re fifteen now Gosh. Time sure does fly. . I remember celebrating when you were just turning thirteen. . STOP GROWING UP SO FAST You re getting old on me xD Hope you have the very best. And youu guysss. GO WISH HER A HAPPY BIRTHDAY : Oh. . and if you see something about me and Katie planning on assassinating KFC. . or having asian kids. . um. XKUMI ALREADY KNOWS. Special thanks to: Animashed, lXMelodiousNocturn br, br,