Genshin Impact MMD Kamisato Ayaka 極楽浄土, Gokuraku Jodo
I know that the fan went through her several times in the whole video, but im too dumb (well, or I was just too lazy) to fix it, so yes. also, I forgot to add the water effect to the stage so let s think it s all just flying ʕ ᵔᴥᵔ ʔ anyway, I still hope that someone will see this and someone will like it (what will happen is very unlikely) stage: Model : Mihoyo, ImpMagik, Ailephi, marcuen(零戦P) Motion : yurie, nalmi camera: ゆきねこ effects: raycast, diffusion, sakura, autoluminous, color halo, powerdof, beamman s water effect, ikclut , mikumikudance, mmd, genshinimpact, genshinimpactmmd, kamisatoayaka br, br,