Fake Biden robocall addressed by White House while highlighting deepfake risks during elections
As New Hampshire voters prepared to cast their votes in the state s firstinthe nation primary Tuesday, a robocall is circulating in the state urging Democrats to stay home using a fake audio of U. S. President Joe Biden. The White House confirmed that the call was not recorded by Biden Monday (January 22), and said the incident highlights the challenges emerging technologies present. The president has been clear that there are risks associated with deep fakes. Fake images and misinformation can be exacerbated by emerging technologies, White House press secretary Karine JeanPierre told reporters in Washington. Support for Biden s writein campaign will be closelywatched amid weak polls for the 81yearold president, although the results have no bearing on the Democratic Party s nominating contest. The Sun delivers breaking news, latest gossip and incredible exclusives around the world with hubs in London, New York, Scotland and Ireland. Covering topi