The Esoteric Keys to Disclosure: The Spiritual Hierarchies And Human Development, Gigi Young
Suggested Lectures: Prior Lectures in this Series (The Esoteric Keys to Disclosure) The Creation Series (Materialization, Venusians, Atlantis Lemuria) Rudolf Steiner on the Spiritual Hierarchies The Polarian Epoch The Hyperborean Epoch Time Stamps 0:00 Intro 0:45 Confusing the Spiritual Hierarchy with Aliens 2:27 Humanity (and the earth) is part of the Spiritual Hierarchies 3:46 The Angels influence in the Polarian and Hyperborean Epochs 6:59 The Angels influence in the Lemurian and Atlantean Epochs 16:44 Angels from Venus 21:27 How the Angels in the Spiritual Hierarchies interact with Humanity 28:28 Ensoulment of the Angels from Venus Developmental Time 40:25 T