Tapage Compound Disturbance
Compound Disturbance is featured on the new Tapage vinyl Recursive Behaviors on AntZen. Tapage Recursive Behaviors A The ErrorControlled Regulator B Centrifugal NearEquilibrium Compound Disturbance Recursive Behaviors, in more than one sense, investigates a mutual space where humans and machines mingle and exchange sonic materials with one another. Machines infused with chaotic processes, allowed to follow their own strange and unstable logic. As one encounters these shapeshifting entities, riddled with unpredictabilities, one soon realizes that they can merely be influenced and explored, but never fully controlled. The machines develop their own internal sonic language. A lexicon and syntax of sound, at times playing fragile melodies, other times developing textural structures, locked into semirepetitive rhythms. Timbres emerging from the intertwined recursions that form the backbone of their internal wiring. Machines, able to analyze their own