Breathtaking makeover for your favorite Barbie doll
As Slime Sam is cleaning under the bed, he discovers a box of mysteries (Sue s old toys, actually). And inside this box, our brave slime finds a weird creature with tangled hair, with а face covered in strange markings, and clothes all torn and dirty. Horrified, he takes the poor creature to Sue, with an aim to teach her a lesson. But instead, he sends his friend down the memory lane. It turns out that this creature is Sue s old Barbie doll. Determined to make her favorite doll beautiful again, Sue gets down to business and shares several doll hacks: How to remove ink stains 2:31 How to untangle doll hair 2:51 How to make bright colorful hair locks 3:16 A nosew waterproof swimsuit 3:34 Glittery hot glue shoes 5:05 A cute nosew dress out of an old sock 5:52 A nosew ball gown 6:41 A pretty hairstyle for your doll 8:02 Enchanted with Barbie s newlyfound beauty, Sam invites her to a slime ball. And they dance happily ever after.