STUDY WITH ME LIVE POMODORO, 14 HOURS, Rain sounds, talk in breaks, real time
Schedule, links, Q A and info here INTRODUCTION: Do you want to be more productive Let s do it together My name is Enrico and the idea is simple: STUDY WITH ME LIVE POMODORO 14 HOURS. With Rain sounds, talk in breaks and in real time I am a graduate student in Business Economics (or a dottore, as we say here in Italy). I take you with me on my day, live. You guys are my Study Family We are here to support and motivate each other If you have any questions or you want to interact with me, I do that in the breaks :) I like to talk, I interact with the chat I cant answer everyone, but if you wait for the right moment you will get your answer CONTENTS OF THE DESCRIPTION BOX 1 Rules 2 How I Study