Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Eponas Song
This is me Ewan a. k. a marioandsonic3339 playing Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time in Lon Lon Ranch for Epona s well there is a Ranch Near Hyrule Market you go in You will meet Malon again and a Horse named Epona then Epona runs away talk to her and she will say about her mothers song take the Ocarina out and she will teach you Epona s Song and Epona is fond of you you will need this later but now for Epona s song Discription Epona s Song: This is the 4th Song we learnt but this is designed to call Epona to you as Adult Link this also gets milk from cows if you have a bottle empty but Epona is too young to ride so you will have to wait Ewan a. k. a marioandsonic3339