Sevenn x Diego Miranda Mirrors ( Visualizer)
Discover Sevenn x Diego Miranda Mirrors on your favorite streaming platform: Click the bell to subscribe to the Smash The House channel for your weekly dose of new music: Every now and again two titans of dance music combine to create pure magic. The coming together of Diego Miranda and Sevenn on the newest Smash The House release Mirrors is one of those very moments. Upon first play it is clear that Mirrors is a hit in the making. From a subtle intro that is guided by the stunning male vocal topline, the single morphs into a thundering cluster of energy with its gutsy basslines. A record with dominating presence, Diego Miranda and Sevenn showcase in fine form because they are earmarked as two of the hottest electronic talents in the current era of dance music. Produced by: Diogo Manuel Morais Garcia Miranda, Kevin Daniel Brauer Written by: Diogo Manuel Morais Garcia Miranda, Kevin Daniel Brauer Since its in