English Office and Job Vocabulary Lets Learn English A Free English Class
Here is an English lesson about working in an office, and the the English words and phrases we use to talk about the things you will find there. One of your goals for learning English might be to get an office job where your ability to speak the English language is an asset. In this English lesson about the office I ll help you learn many English words and phrases that are used to talk about working at a job like this. You ll learn words like cubicle, water cooler, 3 hole punch, and a lot more English job related vocabulary. I hope you enjoy this English lesson about working at an office and I hope you enjoyed a review of the many English words and phrases that you will need to know to talk about an office and the people who work there. As usual, this is more than a simple vocabulary lesson. Be sure to learn the phrases and sentences I use as well as I go over these common words. Try to shadow (repeat after me) the many example sentences where I use the words in context to help you understand several phra