Available on DVD through Buy it here: Hailed by critics as one of the greatest films of all time, Truffaut s internationally awardwinning film Jules and Jim is set pre and post The First World War, and tells the tale of two young students, Jules (Oskar Werner), an Austrian, and Jim (Henri Serre), a Frenchman, in love with the beautiful, capricious, Catherine (outstandingly played by Jeanne Moreau). Captivating both of them for twenty years, the enigmatic Catherine switches her allegiance quixotically from one to the other and occasionally to other men too. Yet neither Jules nor Jim can free himself from her powerful until Catherine performs the definitive action that changes everything forever. An atmospheric and energetic meditation on the nature of human love and monogamous morality, this is a breathtaking film with exemplory performances from the three central performers, told in classic New Wave documentarystyle cinema language.