Sun Worshippers Of Britain (1930)
Exercise in the sunshine. Filmed at Upper Norwood, London. Until recently all the Sun Bathers appeared to be on the Continent. Today, really active airbathing has reached High angle shot of girls dancing around in a circle wearing shorts and little tops. Longer shot of the girls, other women do some synchronised exercises. High angle shot of another team of girls exercising. They look to be in a park or large garden. Various shots of very stylised exercises. The children, too, are being taught the great value of open air and sun on the body We see some children running around in a circle in swimsuits. Closer shot of some of the children exercising. M, S of boys exercising together. They wear swim trunks and stand holding hands at shoulder height. They then push against each other in turn. Suppleness A woman does some gymnastics handstands etc. A man then does some exercises. Perhaps, in a year or two every town will have its airbathing enclosures,