Goldilocks the Three Bears Read Aloud By: Nana ( Brenda Lovett)
Goldilocks The Three Bears Adapted By: Bill Shockey Illustrated By: James Finch Narrated Aloud by : Nana (Brenda Lovett) Produced by: Nana s Story Time with Brenda Lovett This is the classical story about a little girl named Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Papa Bear, Momma Bear, and Baby Bear. When Goldilocks got tired and hungry after a walk in the woods, and spotted a cute little house, she decided she would go ask for something to eat, and take a little rest. When she knocked and no one was home, she decided to go inside and just rest for a moment. When she got inside, she ate their food, sat in their chairs, and slept in their beds. That is until they came home and found her in their beds asleep I love all of my babies, and because I can t always be with them to read to them, so I started this channel so they can hear Nana read to them any time they have to spend with me. I would love to read to your loved ones too If you like this video please