From F, king Up to Waking Up A Tale of Addiction, Volition, and Liberation
Today our dear friend Chris Grosso talks to Jeff and Corey about his latest book, Dead Set on Living: Making the Difficult but Beautiful Journey from F, king Up to Waking Up, which features a number of deeply moving conversations between Chris and various spiritual and cultural luminaries, including Ken Wilber, Ram Dass, Sharon Salzberg, Noah Levine, JP Sears, and many others. The book pivots around Chriss provocative and profoundly moving journey out of the shadows of addiction and the endless empty parade of substitute gratifications, and into the light of spiritual awakening and healthy living. Most importantly, Chris offers the reader a breadcrumb trail of practices and insights to help illuminate their own path to recovery, an invaluable resource for anyone who is struggling with any sort of addiction whether drugs, alcohol, sex, video games, or any other fixation we use to avoid the inevitable pains and sorrows of our lives.