FRANCIS TURNS 87: Catholic World Divided Over Worst Pope in History
Please Help Us Keep RTV Going. Donate Here: In this edition of The Remnant Underground, Michael Matt wishes Francis a happy 87th birthday. Francis is now the oldest reigning pope in 120 years, but some would ask: Is Francis pope, or antipope Michael takes a deep dive into a new thesis, singed by by nine Italian Catholic intellectuals, which puts an end to that circular firing squad once and for all. Meanwhile, Joe The Catholic Biden goes to Mass, as Tony The Catholic Fauci explains why a man of his elevated ethical standards doesnt need no stinkin religion Plus, electric vehicles hit the wall of reality, as four hundred Ford dealers back out of the EV program. What does that say about The Great Reset Finally, a conversation between Michael Matt and Michael Matt Jr. about Christmas, family, and John Wayne Sign up for Michael Matt s Weekly ELetter: