Homemade packing tape drum Childs Play Music
A very easy way to make a drum that sounds quite good. Using ordinary packing tape for the drum skin, you can make this drum in around ten minutes. This project is suitable for young children, and a 4 year old could make one with a little assistance from an adult. For the drum shell you can use anything that is round, fairly rigid, and about 150mm or larger in diameter. A coffee can or a baby formula can works well, but for larger drums paint cans, PVC pipe, PVC containers, heavy cardboard tube (the stuff sold in hardware stores for forming concrete footings) all work well. You can even use an old car tyre to make a Taikostyle drum. Don t use a light plastic bucket it must be fairly strong. I would suggest making a number of these drums in different sizes so you have a good variety of drum sounds. The smaller drums (up to around 250mm) can be suspended on a loop of rope so children can play them