Punishing Gray Raven Lilith Final Boss + Ending No Damage 1440p60
Download Mumu Emulator X Android 12 here: Download PGR Bili ver here: BGM: Lunatic Ray DMC5 Timestamps: 0:00 Intro. 1:12 Phase 1. 2:18 Phase 2. 4:37 Ending. My Specs: Intel i79750H 2. 6GHz RAM 16GB, bus 2400MHz SSD Kingston 512GB NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1650 Game runs at 2560x1440 resolution with Mumu Emulator. Mumu Settings: Rendering Mode Vulkan CPU 4 cores, RAM 4GB Rendering Acceleration ON Forced use of discrete graphics cards ON (No need if yu using a desktop) Resolution 2560x1440 (2k) DPI 480 Phone Model Asus Rog Phone 3 High 60FPS or Yu can choose 120FPS if yu have 120hz monitor or above. , PGRCN, PunshingGrayRaven, PGR3rdAnniversary