Good to You ( Chanlder, Monica; FRIENDS)
WATCH IN HD Friends clips already suck quality wise and the better quality really helps Wow, this was the second FRIENDS video I have ever attempted, fun times. I made this like four months ago for two reasons, I started ripping the seasons slowly and in order so I only had a few seasons to start off with and two my roommate who always says And then one day they get married whenever they have scenes together in the first four seasons which always makes me giggle. SO I knew I had to vid Monica and Chandler BEFORE London cause really they both had crushes on each other when they were younger, they were each other s backups, Chandler seemed to really be hurt that Monica didn t think he was boyfriend material, and they both totally admitted that in other circumstances they would want to date. How did they not get together earlier So yeah, please please please comment and rate It s makes me so happy and motivates me to finish things br, br,