30 minutes of space ambient music , by G I P N O Z E R
Finally, I recorded one of the first performances with Probe 8 from I cannot say that I have discovered the potential of synth and used this sound artifact exactly for its intended purpose. But that s my approach to creating atmospheres and soundscapes. It s cool that this synth is so small and fits easily into compact setups. And thank you very much to the developer and designer. . . . 30 minutes of space ambient music. . . sound gear: Probe8 t. me, farpointspace PRIBOR Neofit priborpedals ShiftLine ASTRONAUT V shiftlineofficial Universe Zen VOSKHOD2 universezen KORG SQ1 TASCAM DR40X Recorder. .. musician s account: Bandcamp: Instagram: Telegram: t. me, gipnozersound VK: . .. listen my soundscape: Apple Music: