Saturn close to Earth August 2022. Saturn with the naked eye, binoculars and a telescope
In August 2022, don t forget to look at Saturn the planet with rings will be the closest to Earth this year. On August 14, 2022, Saturn will be at opposition, which means it will be as close to Earth as possible this year. In this video, I show you how you can see Saturn with the naked eye, with binoculars and with a telescope. The telescope used in this video: GSO 8 F, 4 + 2x barlow lens + 10mm eyepiece The image of Saturn obtained with this telescope was enlarged in postproduction, but the same or better image can be obtained with this telescope (without digital zooming in postproduction) using a 5x barlow lens. , Saturn, Saturn2022, SaturnAtOpposition, telescope, MrSuperMole Music (YouTube Audio Library): Title: Tropic Fuse Performer: French Fuse