A Jew explains why Allah is the one and only God
A must see The legendary video in which a Jew rebuffs the claim of evangelicals, newly edited and now in annotations Even Jesus said Allah. According to an Aramaic dictionary, ( ) the word for God in Aramaic (The language which Jesus spoke) is Aalah, which is the exact same thing as the Arabic Allah since in English there are many ways to spell a foreign word (Example you can spell the Muhammad s name in 27 ways, including Muhammad and Mohamed). Just visit the link and type God if you don t believe me, then scroll down to Pronunciation So Christians, if your god Jesus said Allah, it means the Muslims are using the correct word for the creator The word Allah is better than the word God and is purer since God can be pluralised (gods) and genderised (goddess), the word Allah is more suitable for being HIS name because it CANNOT be genderised nor pluralised (in Arabic) since it is genderless and single, an example in English would be the planet Mars, it is g