SWSWWF L. O. D VS Natural disasters
WWF world tag title match in Tokyo dome John Tenta (John Anthony Tenta, June 22, 1963) ) is a former Grand Sumo Tournament sumo wrestler of Sadogatake room position, a former professional wrestler in Canada Vancouver native place on June 7, 2006. Top is the 43rd piece junior division. 196 centimeters tall, 160 kilos in weight. Even ring names such as the ground kelp grouper Iku, big John Tenta are known. The proud skill is hips drop. he have a title named former wrestling world youth championship super heavyweight class champion and he quit Louisiana State University in 1985 and become a disciple of Sadogatake room. A sumo ring 11 places s first in a professional name of koto sky Futoshi (Kototenzan) for 1985 years. Both win the championship at seven clean scores with ノ mouth, sumo wrestler at the second lowest column, the third step in, the opening and achieve 21 successive victories (he win 24 straight victories when they include a presumo). However, he disappeared witho