Nargis ex husband: a new threat to love and happiness
This film beautifully captures the warmth and excitement of a family inside a cozy home they ve lovingly built together. Narges, along with her two children and Rasoul, find themselves amidst the rain, embracing the warmth of a fire in a chilly, rainy atmosphere. They share intriguing moments together as they warm themselves by the fire Rasoul kindles. The tea brewed with the water brought in carries its own delightful aroma and taste. Narges cooks rice over the fire and brings its warmth into the home, while the firewood goes into the stove and the coals into the iron hearth to make the house warmer. But when Narges exhusband unexpectedly appears, claiming his rights, tensions rise, leading to intense arguments and disputes. Do Rasoul and Narges agree to the exhusband s demands Do tensions find resolution in a romantic and peaceful manner This film presents a romantic meal amidst a rainy atmosphere, blending a story of life s contrasts experienced emotionally amid the rainy