Efterklang: NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert
Bands with big ideas work well at the Tiny Desk. Efterklang is a Danish group whose recent album Piramida took its members to an abandoned mining town between the North Pole and Norway. There, they recorded sounds of empty oil tanks, old pianos and pretty much anything they could strike or record. It s precisely that creative energy that led to Efterklang ransacking our kitchen utensils and desks in search of soundmaking material. The band is a joy to witness live with a small orchestra, but it s equally compelling just the way it is here, huddled around my desk and trying ideas it s never tried. A true adventure. BOB BOILEN Set List Dreams Today Danish Design Alike Credits Producer: Bob Boilen; Editor: Denise DeBelius; Audio Engineer: Kevin Wait; Videographers: Lizzie Chen, Denise DeBelius, Gabriella GarciaPardo; photo by Gabriella Demczuk, NPR