Учебное пособие , Милые мини печенья на хэллоуин
And here is the real time tutorial of this adorable Halloween minis set :) Satisfying time lapse compilation for this set: RECIPES CONSISTENCIES: How to make royal icing (step by step): ROYAL ICING CONSISTENCIES (step by step): Techniques covered in this video: One consistency outline and flood Detail piping Bear technique for texture Painting with food gel coloring Wet on wet Flooding in sections Crackle technique Time stamps for the cookies in this set: 0:00 Halloween minis set 0:10 candy corn 2:36 ghost 5:09 bat 8:38 bone 10:56 candy bag 13:32 candy 15:02 cat 18:28 hat 20:30 spider web 22:39 spider 24:57 pumpkin 27:47 BOO PRODUCTS FOR THIS SET: Brushes: (affiliate link) Cutters: Bat, ghost, boo, cand