EZ Reyna Domination EG Demon1 Reyna VOD vs. aspas Jett
, valorant, valorantpro, valorantvods Demon1 plays Reyna, a flash duelist agent who execute site with her nearsight ability Leer to clear angles, and with the help of her ultimate ability Empress she can have unlimited Soul Harvest ability on her Devour ability which allows her to regain her lost health after a duel when the coast is clear or with her Dismiss ability which allows her to get out when the situation gets rough and dominates the map Pearl. Watch Demon1 the duelist of Americas team Evil Geniuses stream on Twitch here: Demon1 Valorant tracker: Game details on Valorant tracker: Watch more awesome high level pro VODs here: Video edited by: Radiant Pro VODs , valorantgameplay, valorantreyna, reyna, evilgeniuses, eg, demon1, twitch