Bodysurfing like Honoka Azita, Practice and Progress Video 1
My student, Nanoha, and I saw Honoka and Azitas impressive performance of Bodysurfing PROGRESS VIDEO 2 Honoka Azita s famous Bodysurfing video Some information about this song Bodysurfing was written by Herb Ohta. Herb Ohta aka OhtaSan is an American Ukulele player born in 1934 in Hawaii. He is also known as OhtaSan in Japan and other Asian countries, which is a title of respect for the Source ABOUT OUR UKULELES Nanoha is playing the Kala Blue Concert Ukulele Im playing the Kala Gloss Mahogany Tenor Ukulele BLUE KALA CONCERT Review video GLOSS KALA TENOR Review video br, br,