Andy Ztoned X F. R. David ( Words Special Remix) MORGAN ROSXAN Music Studio
, megahits, internationalmusic, popmusic The rights to the images, videos and voices that appear correspond to their respective producers, composers and record companies. To owners or copyright holders: All rights belong to their respective owners. If any owner of the track, background used in this mix is not satisfied, and you don t want to see your track on my channel, contact me and I will delete the video IMMEDIATELY. Thank you I make the videos as a hobby, without profit and to help children with cancer. The monetization of this channel is destined to the fight against cancer in children. Welcome to my world of music. Thank you for choosing to enter this YouTube channel Please subscribe and like Enter the hashtag, morganrosxan Dance Video Mix by MORGAN ROSXAN Music Studio Listen, feel and find the s