(Англ. ) Геопространственная разведка: что это такое и где находятся рабочие места
This presentation and discussion with the Penn State World Campus Technology Club and Todd Bacastow, Greg Thomas, and Steve Handwerk from the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences addresses what geospatial intelligence is and where employment opportunities exist. intelligence, also abbreviated as GEOINT, is intended to disadvantage your opponent with information they do not have or they do not know you have. This advantage prevents surprise, exploits emerging opportunities, counteracts threats, or provides time to adapt. GEOINT gives decision makers actionable insights about the earth and its people for business, humanitarian, security, and defense decisions. The discipline is at the intersection of the GISciences, geographic technologies, and an intelligence tradecraft. The discipline encompasses image interpretation, geographic information systems, data management, opensource information, all types of geospatially referenced data, and the analysis of all of these data to answer basic questions abo