Full Stack with 14, Prisma, Next Auth, Pusher Cloudinary Build Deploy a Dating App Part 1
Learn how to build and deploy a modern, fullstack dating application using the latest tools in the web development space. This comprehensive guide covers every step, from setting up Prisma, and NextAuth for authentication, to deploying with Vercel. You ll add interactive features with Pusher for realtime messaging and Cloudinary for media uploads. Perfect for developers looking to enhance their skills or create a featurerich app. Code: Course Outline (0:00:00) Course Introduction (0:07:09) Lesson 1: Set up NextUI, and initial routing (0:27:34) Lesson 2: Create Login and Registration with validation (0:40:51) Lesson 3: Authentication Database setup with Prisma (1:22:19) Lesson 4: Displaying Members List Dynam. .., freeCodeCamp 20241112 JTNBJHbasE