Cant Swim Deliver Us More Evil ( Official Music Video)
Music Merch: Spotify: iTunes: Follow Can t Swim Website: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: Creative Director Benjamin Lieber BenjaminMLieber Editors Benjamin Lieber Miguel Barbosa BenjaminMLieber yeahfilms Producer Miguel Barbosa yeahfilms Director of Photography Kris Khunachak KrisKhunachakmm Choreographers Victoria Bond Charly Santagado, Mal Ped Dance Collective Vbond charlymoves malpeddancecollective Filmed at Rockys House in Brooklyn, New York, July 2021 Deliver Us More Evil lyrics One day the world will end in fire Distorted by desire Cause everything you want doesnt have a price Even Adam didnt listen As he took the bite Now I gotta learn to hold it Its gone in a moment I hated all the guilt so I didnt stay Now I feel him staring at my every single day Feeling i