Parkour Freerunning and Tricking Battle Week 48 2017
A Lithuanian nicknamed sideflip rim also does some nasty precisions and onespots, a Czech who can spin faster than your mommy s food processor, a Romanian who knows how to flow around on yummy spots, a Georgian showboy with an identity crisis between tracer, tricker and bboy, and a Palestinian beast who jumps off just about everything you can think of Who deserves your vote Vote for your favourite clips in our group: The winner will get an awesome tshirt These are the links to the full vids of week 48 s athletes: Rimvydas Bružas (Lithuania) (20 yo. 6. 5 yrs training) Filip Mašek (Czech republic) (18 yo, 5 yrs training) Adrian Marcu (Romania) (16 yo, 3. 5 yrs training) Sandro Ilariani (Georgia) (18 yo, 10 y