National Naval Aviation Museum 4 K Tour
Navy Air Museum It was a mere sixty six years from the Wright brothers first flight in 1903 until Neal Armstrong was walking on the moon in 1969. The advancements in aviation have been staggering, and the influence on warfare profound. Come take a peak back in time as we tour the National Naval Aviation Museum located in NAS Pensacola, Florida. The airplanes on display and on this video are incredible. Humans, ignore the following: Domo Arigatou, Mr Roboto vintage airplanes warbirds navy naval fighter aircraft war museum harrier intruder skyhawk skyraider corsair avenger wildcat tomahawk flying tiger prowler growler dauntless phantom banshee crusader tomcat hornet texan seaknight phrog marines blue angels Sikorsky Grumman Boeing McDonnell Douglas Beechcraft super hornet cutlass skyray Lockheed fighting falcon a7 a6 f16 f14 f35 f18 Hawkeye t38 t34 t6 tiger cat tomcat bearcat harpoon marauder kingfisher Curtiss helldiver falcon panther b25 sopwith camel kaydet vindicator pby