Tomb Raider Temple of Prithvi ( Demo Walkthrough
Tomb Raider Level Editor (TRLE) Temple of Prithvi Demo 2. 0 Walkthrough Level By : The Eye of Isis Story Lara fell in love with the jungle she had been exploring during her quest for the Infada Stone. Recently, she has decided to return to that very place. When she s finally there, she uncovers another vast area of the forest. As always, there s an extremely interesting hole to jump in. And so, we find Lara making her way through a slope to some temple complex. The temple, caressed by rays of the morning sun, seems to be quite silent and peaceful, but there s more than meets the It s soooo nice to see more and more old members in the community return to TRLE now. I remember his her last level was 10 years ago. In this demo, I can see the author made full of use of such a huge room. Perhaps it s not in single room. But every path are all I went through. How nice, I love the textures the most. Not sure if it s Indian style or Buddist style. The music, 39