Santamaria Ilha do Sal Cabo Verde 2021
It s been nine months since we came to Cape Verde. If the honeymoon around the world was going without any problems, we would have been drinking chai tea in India now Were having a completely different days now than originally planned, but thanks to the beautiful nature and wonderful people, I really enjoy every day. I am grateful to this city and the people who live in this town, so I want give back something for them This video is a tourism promotion video for Santamaria that I seriously made, taking 9 months to shoot and more than 2 weeks to edit. It is a video that can only be made by me who actually stayed in this city for 9 months and built relationships with the local people. In this regard, I think even famous Hollywood directors or wellknown video creators can not make it. I hope you all enjoy this video. And I would be very happy if as many foreigners as possible were interested in this town and came to travel Cheers for the future of Santamaria Sab pa caga This video has permission