Mark of the Beast
There is probably not a more provocative topic to cover than the Mark of the Beast. It has been requested more than any other topic. But it is really different than nearly any other topic. If you take something like the temple in Jerusalem or the 2 witnesses or nearly any other 2nd coming or last days topic and you can find there are many references in scripture. There are many prophets and apostles that have talked about it. And from those sources we can better understand those topics. This is not such a topic. There are only a few places in scripture that even mention it and all of them are part of John the Revelators Apocalyptic writings in the book of Revelation which can be difficult to wade between what is symbolic and what is real. Apostles and Prophets haven t discussed it much in public, recorded forums. The guide to the scriptures, topical guide and bible dictionary are silent. And the church of Jesus Christ of LatterDay saints has no official position on what it is. So this leaves us w