MUFON CASE : 116703 Davie, Cooper City, Florida ( July 5, 2021 )
Mutual UFO Network : MUFON SUBMISSIONS : I have video Long Description of Sighting Report July 4th, 2021, Davie Florida, 10:15 PM, I observed a very strange object hovering silently in the sky. It was white at first with at least two separate sections of 6 large tubes connected together appearing vertically, roughly 510 feet apart from one another. Appeared to be a single object. Each connected tube (6, at least 12 total) stepped down in size like a Native American flute. Suddenly it disappeared but then reappeared a second later strobing red and blue colors. Date Submitted : 20210705 Date of Event : 20210704 10:15PM MUFON SUBMITTER FILES : : THANKS FOR WATCHING PLEASE LEAVE YOUR THOUGHTS BELOW