How to QUICKLY increase Milk Supply, The 12 MOST EFFECTIVE Ways to NATURALLY increase Milk Supply
Many women fear that they dont have enough milk to satisfy their babys hunger although thats hardly ever the case. However, if a womans milk supply is indeed insufficient, then there are natural ways to quickly increase the milk supply. So, in this video, Nathalie Kaufmann, Pregnancy Birth Consultant and TCM Therapist, and Mathias Ritter, Researcher and Science Geek, walk you through the 12 most effective and fastest ways to naturally increase your milk supply. First, they explain the 3 reasons why women often believe that their milk supply is too low. Then they discuss the 12 most effective ways to naturally boost milk supply. This includes the formula of a tea as well as acupressure points to increase the supply. They also explain what you need to consider when using a breast pump, and how you can increase the amount of milk which you express. Finally, they also tell you the 3 most important signs to look out for, if you want to know if your baby is feeding well. Sign