Conor Clapton :: Tears in heaven ( Eric Clapton)
Conor was born on August 21, 1986 into the loving arms of singer Eric Clapton his wife Lori Del Santo. When Lori got pregnant and since Eric was English, she felt the baby should be born in England. When the day was there and Lori was brought into labor. Eric rushed to the hospital to visit Lori and being with her at the birth. As it happened, the baby got stuck upside down, so they had to perform a lastminute Cesarean. When the baby finally came, they gave him to Eric to hold. He was spellbound, and he felt so proud, even though he had no idea how to hold a baby. But however deeply Eric loved this little boy, he had no idea where to begin with him, because Eric was a baby trying to look after a baby. So he just let Lori raise him, which she did brilliantly. She would come and stay with her sister Paola, who also worked for her as her assistant, and occasionally their mother accompanied them, and for a few weeks they would live a very peaceful, family kind of life. Eric used to watch Conor, 39