Into the Woods, Hello, Little Girl (1080p)
From the Into the Woods Performed by Jhonny Depp and Lilla Crawford Links para compra: DVD Caminhos da Floresta: Outros filmes com Maryl Streep: Walt Disney: Obs: Ao adquirir qualquer produto por esses links, você estará ajudando o canal Muito obrigada Lyrics Look at that flesh Pink and plump Hello, little girl Tender and fresh Not one lump Hello, little girl This one s especially lush Delicious Hello, little girl What s your rush You re missing all the flowers The sun won t set for hours Take your time Mother said: straight ahead Not to delay or be misled But slow, little girl Hark and hush The birds are singing sweetly You ll miss the birds completely You re traveling so fleetly Grandmother first Then Miss Plump What a delectable couple Utter perfection One brittle, one supple One moment, my dear Mother said: come what may Follow the path And never stray Just so, little girl Any path So many worth exploring Just one would be s