high all the time, multi femslash, lesbian couples
Fav lesbian ships put into one. Use HD for best quality. ships shows: 0:00 0:08 : Jasmin Anni : Gute Zeiten Schlechte Zeiten (german soap opera) 0:11 0:18 : Carmilla Laura: Carmilla (web series on youtube) 0:19 0:28 : Amy Reagan: Faking It (MTV Season 2) 0:29 0:44 : Callie Arizona: Grey s Anatomy 0:46 0:58 : Piper and Alex: Orange is The New Black ( Netflix) 0:59 1:08 : Sophie Sian: Corronation Street (check out sophiesianchannel on youtube) 1:10 1:18 : Emily Paige : Pretty Litt br, br,