Immanuel Immanuel Arabic Christian Song
Christian Gospel Song in Arabic. Praise be to God Almighty the Father and The son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit Shaabak yelin beek emano, yetmassik b woodak. (Your people declare their faith, holding onto your promises) Enta raina w kol ma leena, w btghmorna b goodak. (You are our shepherd and precious, covering us in your grace) Immanoel, Immanoel, Allah mana. (Immanueul, Immanuel, God with us) Mahma eshtadet harb alena, elaan rouhak feena. (Whenever war toughens on us, Your Spirits manifestation is in us) Enak leena, w meen ykfina Gherak enta ya fadeena. (You are ours, and who could satisfy us But You, our Savior ) Immanoel, Immanoel, Allah mana. (Immanueul, Immanuel, God with us) Kelmet haak betalemna, w seraag le regleena. (You teach us your word, a Lamp to our feet) Rouhak feena w byazeena, w bynawar ayneena. (Your Spirit in us comforts us, and enlightens our eyes) Immanoel, Immanoel, Allah mana. (Imman