NECK EXPLOSION Total Spine Crunches ASMR Chiropractic into Microphone
Location Mechanicsburg, PA. Condenser Microphone Cracks Crunches Quiet Face Paper Quiet Office ASMR Mindfully Placed Ads Relax Chiropractic Sleep Time Remedy It s 6:55am and this morning s yoga feels BASIC Starting at the bottom of the mat, I recreate the scene from Batman Begins, where Bruce Wayne played by Christian Bale does a straightlegged dead man s fall to the floor and lands arms out front in the perfect pushup position And for a moment I maybe I could be an eccentric millionaire who dresses up like a bat at night and fights evil clowns and psychotic Begin push 1, 2, 3, 4, 550 training Have you ever seen the documentary What The Bleep Do We Know Anyway My friends, this is where it all began for me. My intro to Quantum and the possibility. It just made sense. Everything clicked. Sticked and still stuck. All of my childhood questions about life we