Star Trek: Picard Season 3: Jeri Ryan Todd Stashwick Discuss Final Season
Before Star Trek: Picard Season 3 premieres on Paramount+ on February 16, Colliders Steve Weintraub spoke with returning stars, Jeri Ryan, who was first introduced to Star Trek in Star Trek: Voyager as Seven of Nine, and newcomer, Todd Stashwick (12 Monkeys) as Captain Shaw of the USS Titan. During their interview, Ryan and Stashwick share what theyre most excited for fans to see, discuss the nods to previous Star Trek series, and their favorite Season 3 episodes. Ryan also talks about Seven of Nines struggles this season, and where she ends up. While the previous two seasons werent fully embraced by fans, Ryan says Season 3 is so respectfully and beautifully done. This third and final season will see Patrick Stewart returning to the helm as the titular JeanLuc Picard in a highstakes mystery that not only nods to past series but also brings back several Star Trek alums. The Next Generations Gates McFadden will also reprise her role as Dr. Beverly Crusher, along with Jonathan Frakes as Will Rik