Led Zeppelin Live in Paris, France ( April 2nd, 1973) Two Source Mix
This is a two source mix that I put together of the final gig of Zeppelin s famous 1973 European tour in Paris, France. Up until recently, there was only one recording circulating for this show. Just in the last couple of days however, a second source, which up until now had only been circulating in private hands, made its way online. This source is very inferior to the first one, but it fills in a few gaps. Most notably, it contains the beginning of Rock and Roll, the ending of The Rain Song, the last half of Whole Lotta Love, and Heartbreaker, all of which were missing on the first source. Unfortunately, a small portion of The Rain Song, the beginning of Dazed and Confused, and the last few seconds of Whole Lotta Love are still missing from both tapes, but the show is otherwise complete. Here are the two versions I used for this source mix: Source 1: Vive Le Zeppelin (Empress Valley Supreme Disc) Source 2: AUD(M) ANA(3) CDR(2) FLAC No EQ or amplification was applied to either source. The beginnin