We live in the age of lies: those who doubt, those who denounce, those who oppose the dominant vision are mocked, attacked and discredited. We have cycles and recurrences of a history in which the holy inquisition has only ever changed guise. Even today, anyone who opposes the official truth is branded heretic and is treated as a heretic by the new religion, which is so well explained in Andrea Tosatto s book. Hypnotised masses of the faithful are prone in front of the new priests who proclaim the word in television chat shows to the sound of falsified images of inflated numbers, shouting about people dying, pointing fingers at those who dare to disagree. The directing is concealed, but already well known. It is tangible in the smiles of the children, in the handshakes and hugs that they would like to deny us but which are becoming warmer and more heartfelt. We are at a crossroads; we live in a moment in history of incredible possibilities. We can give humanity its dignity back. We are ready.