Episode 10: Medical Qigong
A BIG Hello from Elon CARES Long time no see A BIG Congratulations to Elon DPT Class of 2022 on graduating last year. Since then, ElonCARES leadership has shifted, and were still getting our bearings with continuing the uploads. Alex Japit, Elon DPT CO2024, and now current Operations Manager of ElonCARES, recently won the multimodal writing contest at Elon University for the School of Health Sciences Were sharing his project: Medical Qigong and Polyvagal Theory, to start this years uploads We hope you enjoy this quick session of Qigong and learning about some potential mechanisms with it. We would love if you could comment below your favorite part about Alex s episode, where you are watching from, or what you would like us to talk about We are excited for you to learn more about our program and exciting initiative. To learn more about Elon CARES email us: OR Follow us at: Instagram: eloncares Facebook: Elon Cares