Riptide Battlebot Weapon and Drive Test
5 days before leaving for Las Vegas, here is our weapon and drive test with a Rolling Robots Vex Mobile Goal, a 12 pound med ball, and then 200 and 300 pound truck tires. RIPTIDE is a team of top performing VEX captains handpicked by an obsessively persistent freshman combat captain mentored by one of the best builders in the sport and sponsored by the best manufacturing company, Xometry. Ethan Kurtz Captain Sid Prabhakaran Zach Rutten Nathaniel Greenberg Brandon Frederick Felix Jing Greg Gibson (Team Yeti) Mentor, Coach and with Stan and Michelle Kurtz Riptide parts are primarily built using our premier partner Xometry Instagram ethankurtz All about Xometry Links: Instagram: xometry Facebook: xometry LinkedIn: xometry Twitter: xometry , battlebots, battlebot, robotics, Xometry, EngineerLife, Engineer, Manufacturing, CoolTech, Engineering, EngineeringLife, Engineers, EngineersOfInsa, RoboticsEngineering, Rob